Alwarestoch Lodge 7805

You may remember that my daughter Ailsa, who has Cerebral Palsy, raised over £1300 last year for British Ukrainian Aid when she took part in Parallel Windsor, an inclusive sporting event for people with special needs, and I wrote a small piece about it which is on the Lodge Website:

This year she intends to take part in the same event on July 7, and this year she is hoping to raise money for a charity called KIDS.  The charity provides support for children with disabilities of all types, and their families, paying particular attention to siblings who are thrust into the role of “Young Carer”.

KIDS used to have a centre in Salterns Lane in Fareham (close to where Newgate Lane merges into Gosport Road), and both Ailsa and her younger brother were directly supported by the centre when they were younger, and as a family we received an enormous amount of help and support.  Unfortunately, this centre is now closed, but the charity itself continues to provide support across the whole country, and as Ailsa says on her Just Giving page, it is a charity close to all our hearts.  Please have a look at the various links I have attached, and if you feel you can help, please do…even a small amount will be very gratefully received!

Thank you very much!



Ailsa’s Just Giving page

I’m raising money for the British Heart Foundation & I have decided to run the London Landmarks Half Marathon on Sunday the 7th April 2024 in memory of a dear cousin who suddenly passed away in July 2022. I’d be so grateful for your support. The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but sadly every day hundreds of people lose their lives. It’s only thanks to support from people like us that the BHF can create new treatments and discover new cures. £24 could pay for two hours of research by an early career scientist, but every pound helps so please give what you can to help me hit my target. Thanks!

You can still support Peters fund by visiting

Alwarestoch Lodge 7805, a Masonic Lodge dedicated to making a positive impact, has recently made generous donations to three local charities. The Elson Library Hub Trust, The Elizabeth Foundation, and St Faith’s Hub have each received £300 in funds raised within the lodge.

The Elson Library Hub Trust is a vital community resource that provides access to books, educational materials, and various programs for people of all ages. The donation from Alwarestoch Lodge 7805 will help support the ongoing efforts of the trust in promoting literacy and learning within the community.

The Elizabeth Foundation is another charity that has greatly benefited from the lodge’s generosity. This organization focuses on supporting children with hearing loss and their families, offering specialized services and resources to help them overcome the challenges they face. The donation will contribute to the foundation’s mission of empowering these children and enabling them to reach their full potential.

St Faith’s Hub is a local community center that provides a wide range of services and activities for people of all ages. From youth programs to senior citizen support, the hub plays a vital role in fostering a sense of belonging and connection within the community. The donation from Alwarestoch Lodge 7805 will help ensure the continuation of these valuable services and programs.

Through their donations, Alwarestoch Lodge 7805 demonstrates their commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those in need within their local community. By supporting these three deserving charities, they contribute to the betterment of education, health, and community engagement. Their generosity serves as an inspiration for others to get involved and make a difference in their own communities.

Alwarestoch Lodge is looking to visit Hermes Lodge in Fareham in March. Hermes is our VGO lodge so it would be good to support Mike.

The March meeting is on the 8th and they are doing a first degree, so all welcome.

I will put more out about this visit at a later date.

W.Bro Maurice Freeman.

Alwarestoch Lodge received its Bronze award form MFC (Masonic Charity Foundation )

The brethren individually donate a monthly amount to MCF that’s adds toward a total members contribution that then is sent to a gift aid chest.

Well done to all of the brethren!!

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