Alwarestoch Lodge 7805

Lodge Officers 2023/2024

W.Bro Stuart Aitkenhead
Worshipful Master
Bro. Terrence Coatsworth
Senior Warden
Bro. Roland Joseph
Junior Warden
W.Bro. Sydney Aynesworth
W.Bro. Paul Speak
W.Bro. Jason Davey
W.Bro. Cyril Davey
Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Terrence Coatsworth
W.Bro. Brian Aitkenhead
Charity Steward
Bro. Peter Turnbull
Senior Deacon
W.Bro. Malcolm Berry
Junior Deacon
W.Bro. Malcolm Berry
Lodge Mentor

W.Bro. Gerald Mansell

Bro. Edward Dade
Assistant Secretary
Bro. Edward Dade
Inner guard
W.Bro. Paul Adams

Bro. Mark Proud

Bro. Steve Spillett

Membership officer

W, Bro Maurice Freeman PPAGSb

Past Masters of the lodge

W.Brother Michael Abban. 2022-2023.

W. Brothe.r. S.H AYNSWORTH PPSGW(1970) (2021)

W. Brother. M. C BERRY PPGSupW (1992/2013)

W. Brother. C.A VAUGHAN – PPDGspW(2001/07)

W. Brother. D. COUSINS -PPDGReg(2008)

W. Brother. P SPEAKPPGStB (2009)

W. Brother. D.N.H COLLINS PPSGD (2010)

W. Brother. W MANSFIELD PPAGSupWh(2012)

W. Brother. C N DAVEY – PPJGD (2014) 

W. Brother. J R DAVEY (2015/2016)

W. Brother. BP AITKENHEAD (2017)

W. Brother. T AITKENHEAD (2019)

Pastmasters of other lodges

W. Brother.  S.H AYNSWORTH PPJGW. No.5423

W. Brother. C.N DAVEY PPJGD. No. 7920

W. Brother. W NEWLAND PPADC. No.4429

W. Brother. G.MANSELL PPJGW. No. 4222

W. Brother. M. J FREEMAN PPAGSb. No. 5151