Correspondences from the Charity Steward

COMMUNITY CHEST Funded By Local Freemasons

Please distribute the following to your lodge members, for information and participation.
“The Community Chest funded by Local Masons” will run for a year and the funds raised by live
raffles held at Cosham, Fareham and Gosport Masonic centres, benefitting Charities throughout the
Portsmouth News Catchment areas.

After the success of the Launch Night on 11th September, where £2402 was raised. Charities and
Good Causes have been nominated by the public to receive funds from the “Community Chest”. A
Judging Panel will decide who will receive a donation and the amount. The Announcement and
Presentation of the Cheques will be made at the next Live event at the Cosham Masonic Centre on
Saturday 4th December starting at 5:30 PM. Everyone welcome including family and friends.

The Provincial Grand Master R. W. Bro Jonathan Whitaker and his wife will be attending along with
the Lord Mayor, R.H. Penny Mordaunt MP for Portsmouth North, The News and the Admin team, The
event will be covered by the Portsmouth News on the night and press releases during the following
weeks.There will also be a donation raffle, if any brother has anything they wish to donate, please contact
any of the team and we will arrange collection, or bring with you on the evening.
You do not have to use Facebook to be a part of this fantastic initiative.

The Tickets Cost £2 and are available to purchase on line or on the night. You can also play by
Cheque or Cash Please contact any of the team: Andrew Coombs, Colin Rattley, Graham Lant, Sue
Lant, on Facebook messenger, or Graham on Text: 07917816922.- Email for help.
To purchase tickets on line.

Name: SEHMFB (Or Andrew Coombs) as some accounts do not recognise the SEHMFB
Sort Code: 60-83-71
Account: 52035667
Reference: Your Name.

Food is available:
Turkey Roll & Chips, Mince pie £10.00
Cheese or Turkey Ploughman’s, Mince Pie. £10.00
Food to be purchased via Graham Lant (email: with food choices and names)

Bank Transfer (or payment by individual arrangements with the team) to:
G R Lant
Barclays Bank
Sort 20-05-57
Account Number 00281611
Please order food in advance.
Music will be provided throughout the evening by DJ “Darren” Harfield.
Dress Code is Smart Casual.
Graham Lant on behalf of the Community Chest Admin Team.